Iraq Is Like Crack
R.P. Ericksen
Iraq is like crack.
We're addicted,
or some of us are,
inhaling the heady hot air
of regime change,
getting high
on rhetorical flourish,
as Poppy did with
"Saddam is worse than Hitler,"
though Poppy went off the drug,
returned to his senses,
and left behind
his druggie friends,
Rummy and Cheney and Condie,
who cannot quite forgive him,
since they and Junior
want to sell crack
to us all.
They give it away
like candy on the playground.
They tell us
it really won't cost very much,
we can quit any time we want,
but crack has ruined
many a poor soul
who thought the thrill
would be worth it,
only to find it was not.
-- R.P. Ericksen (October 5, 2002)
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Last updated: March 12, 2003