Meeting notes for People for Peace, Justice, and Healing

January 28, 2005

People for Peace, Justice and Healing met January 28, 2006, at 10 a.m. at Associated Ministries. Present for check-in were: Rob, Mark, Sallie, Sheila, Kyle, Karen, Karen, Vivi, Kathleen, Scott, Joe, Kerry, Sol, Colleen.

AGENDA: Shelia

LEONARD PELTIER POTLUCK: PJH will again host a potluck at United First Methodist Church following the Leonard Peltier march and protest next Saturday, February 4. Sheila is primary organizer and will meet with Susan Friday a.m. at 11:00 for set-up (dishwasher instructions, storing food, etc.) Rob will pick up refreshments, etc. at Costco on Thursday and order the cake(s). Coffee is being mailed from out of town. Colleen will try to arrange for bread from Albertson's before she leaves town. Needs: Coolers and people to set up table and chairs Saturday morning circa 11 a.m. Plans are for members to adjourn to 1st M to prepare for potluck from next Saturday's meeting at 11 a.m.

CONVERSATION CAFE: Kathleen and Scott

Last week's conversation (Is Football Necessary?)deemed successful. This coming Tuesday, 7 p.m. at the Mandolin: Can You Live Without Fear?

PEACE MARCH, MARCH 19th Planning Committee: Sallie

Sallie has called a meeting for Tuesday, 1/31, 7:00 p.m., at Associate Ministries, to plan a peace march on March 19, anniversary of the beginning of the war in Iraq. Discussion of conflict with Conversation Cafe meeting time -- consensus: can't be helped. Sallie hopes to interest, especially churches on the Hill, to participate in the March. Hopes expressed that the African American community will be involved. One assistant pastor from Miles Memorial has indicated interest. Plans may include meeting and rally at People's Park (rather than Wright Park), finding an alternative meeting place if the weather is too prohibitive, advertising the event, program, etc. If you are unable to attend the planning meeting but have ideas, email Sallie or if you want to be on a committee, let Sallie know.


Karen expressed alarm at a move by the Hilltop Action Coalition to chase the needle exchange from its current service location on 14th and G Street just north of the Catholic Worker. She has lived on the block for the duration of the needle exchange's current location and has never experienced any "trouble" that she identifies with the needle van. More importantly, the van has been very strategically placed to encourage use by its target population and "hiding" it -- which seems to be the motive for seeking it's removal -- can only limit the success of the program. There is also a proposal to install surveillance cameras in the area so that "evil doers" can be identified and labeled so they will lose any service benefits. At a meeting on January 26 at Associated Ministries members of the Health Department, the St. Leo's Community, Hilltop service agencies, security people from Bates and TPD, and a representative of HAC met to discuss concerns. HAC feels that the needle van attracts drug traffic and dealers to the neighborhood and other "undesireables." The next meeting on this issue has been scheduled for March 9th at 5:00 p.m. An attempt is being made for "all sides" to express themselves fully on this issue and to find solutions that benefit all.


The date for the InterFaith Camp has been set for the last weekend in August. Sallie asked us to choose between two graphic designs for a symbol for the camp. Karen K. indicated an interest in teaching a class for the camp. Committees planning camp activities include: Staffing, Program, Marketing, Logistics and Applications. The City of Tacoma Human Resources Dept. has accepted an invitation to attend a few planning meetings for the Camp to determine their interest and degree of involvement in the Camp.


Sallie described a situation where a Vet who has recently returned from Iraq was having difficulties getting any kind of medical services. Sallie called in Bob Rudolph to help. Bob took the vet to Madigan at 2 in the afternoon and they were there until 11:00. Character of services rendered unknown. Local Vets group is flying this Vet to a national meeting on East coast. General discussion of the withholding of medical care from Veterans.

Meeting adjourned early so members could attend program at Ken Miller's WEEKEND.

Karen H.