Saturday, March 20, 2004 Meeting Notes

Meeting notes, People for Peace, Justice, and Healing

Tacoma Peace Justice and Healing met March 20, 2004, at Associated Ministries at 10 a.m. and adjourned one hour early at 11:00 a.m. in order to help with the March 20 rally and march commencing at McKinley Park, followed by a march to the Federal Building. Estimates of 300 to 400 people were in attendance.

Present for check-in: Elaine, Rob, Mark J., Erin, Benjie, Karen, Vivi, Sheila, Kyle and Colleen. Discussion and introduction to Erin.


Professor Chavan's schedule has changed and Mark asked that we pick another date to host his visit to Tacoma. The group chose April 15. Colleen asked to work on his schedule. Discussion of the possibilities of his visit to the public schools. Sheila will check on a Foss possibility. Committee: Sheila, Colleen, Mark

Benjie says a conference on how groups can build coalitions will be held May 14 and 15 at the University of Washington and he asked if we were interested in co-sponsoring this event. There will be a rally speaker and workshops. Colleen wants our group to co-sponsor. Vivi says there will also be a coalition building workshop at the April 17th FOR conference in West Seattle. Colleen expressed interest in our hosting a presentation of Benjie's dissertation in April or May. (Benjie says he'll have to get to work and finish it! but agreed.)

Elaine announced a conference in Santa Barbara April 29, 30 and May 1 sponsored by Women Against Violence (and wants help extracting her transit ticket from her malfunctioning computer so she can get there.)

Group adjourned to the march and rally. Respectfully, Karen