People for Peace, Justice, and Healing
September 26, 2009

People for Peace, Justice and Healing met September 26 at 10 a.m. at Associated Ministries. Present for check-in: Karen H., Karen K., Sol, Sallie, Rob, Mark, Colleen, and Nancy.


1. Ehren Watada
Discussion: Announcement of the resignation from the U.S. Army of Ehren Watada, first commissioned military officer to refuse deployment to Iraq, first week in October. Watada won a significant legal battle, announced in May, when the Department of Justice dropped any efforts to re-try him. It was noted by Sallie that Watada will be released on Gandhi's birthday, October 2.

2. OPT OUT: Sallie and Nancy
Sallie foiled attempts by Nancy to see that Sallie be reimbursed for expenses contributed to Opt Out program. Opt Out has one more week to run in local high schools. Nancy reports some success in getting the word out -- especially at Foss. Nancy asked for further volunteer help for this coming Monday, 9:45 to 12:15 at Stadium. Other high schools are successfully scheduled.

3. NETWORKING: Colleen
Colleen brought up networking possibilities re: various peace and social justice groups. It was announced that there will be a potluck gathering, sponsored by United For Peace, December 13 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at First United Methodist and all peace and justice groups in our area will be invited.

4. GAZA: Nancy
Nancy, Karen and Linda Frank are looking into possibilities for a fundraiser for Gaza, currently suffering serious financial need -- their water system is failing. Ideas include public readings of various essay and play materials.

Mark gave a brief report on Jeff Sharlet's book, THE FAMILY, The Secret Funamentalism at the Heart of American Power, and distributed a thorough synopsis of the book. For further information about this and other books available through the Digging Deeper series (Monday nights at the Mandolin, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) go to Further information on THE FAMILY can be viewed at

Next PJH meeting time, October 2, as usual. Arrangements to be made for the following October 9 meeting.

Respectfully submitted,