Saturday, October 19, 2002 Meeting Notes


  • 0. Check-in
  • 1. Phone Tree
  • 2. Daily Vigil
  • 3. Julio Quan
  • 4. UW Tacoma Teach-in on Iraq
  • 5. Announcements

    Check-in : a few scattered notes on remarks by those present.
    - Vivi is grieving the death of Zahi Haddad, the local Palestinian peace activist who died in a car crash on Sunday at the age of 53.
    - Carl enjoyed a TUFF party on Thursday, where his promise to don blue eye shadow (!) prompted people to open their pocketbooks: $2200 was raised for the campaign.
    - Linda is also grieving Zahi.
    - Elaine continues to be very busy with Domestic Violence Awareness Month events: the struggle goes on.
    - Like many of us, Rob is dealing with the struggle of hope with despair, but notes that there is a lot going on -- especially on Oct. 26.
    - Mark sent the group's letter to Fort Lewis and five local papers (no response yet), translated some articles on UN diplomacy from the French press, and was inspired by Bert Sacks's appearance at PLU on Tuesday night.
    - Marion is feeling overwhelmed with her new job, but grateful for all that's going on in her life.
    - Pam was pleased at the response she encountered this week while doorbelling for the TUFF campaign.
    - Benjie brought a copy of The Ledger, the UW Tacoma paper, which carried two articles on the Oct. 7 rally and a full-page antiwar ad.
    - Mara was present for the first time; she's new to the area, came to the Oct. 7 rally, and learned about the group from the Quakers.
    - Colleen reported that sixteen people attended the Wednesday evening vigil at the Federal Courthouse.
    - Al said he felt himself in a period of transition, thinking about the possibility of moving to an apartment and dealing with health problems.


    1. Phone Tree. It was decided to use the tree for the first time this week to publicize the continuing vigil and the Oct. 23 teach-in. The question of how to decide to use the tree in mid-week was postponed till next week's workshop.

    2. Daily Vigil. This week attendance at the vigil was: Saturday 5, Sunday 3, Monday 6, Tuesday 7, Wednesday 16, Thursday 9, Friday (?). The group decided to continue the daily vigil for at least another week, through Friday, Oct. 25. Volunteers were found to commit to being there for every evening except Sunday and Monday.

    3. Julio Quan. On Saturday, Oct. 26, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., PPJH will sponsor a workshop with Julio Quan that will focus on the functioning of our group. Julio Quan is an international peacemaker born in Guatemala, widely known for his work in Central American and Eastern Europe. It is important that we produce a good turnout from among PJH members for this workshop, which comes at what is perhaps a watershed moment for this group. To help ensure adequate attendance, there will be a formal message written by Colleen asking for a RSVP from those attending, messages from group members affirming the importance of attending, and personal contacts from individuals. Those coming are asked to bring "healthy nibbling food" like fruit, bread, bagels & cream cheese, etc. Rob will see if he can arrange for coffee, and Pam promised to bring cups.

    4. Iraq Teach-In. On Wed., Oct. 23, at 7:00 p.m. at the Rialto there will be a "Teach-In Against War with Iraq" organized by people at UW Tacoma. All speakers will oppose the war, so the School of the Arts decided to withdraw their sponsorship of the event. PPJH is cosponsoring the event, so we should do all we can to publicize it. Bring literature to distribute. Volunteers are needed to come about an hour earlier to help with the event. Contact Mark Dodson ( or Gloria Farman ( for more information. -- There will be a related event at 1:00 p.m. earlier in the day, also at the Rialto, featuring Profs. Patrick O'Neil and David Balaam of UPS's Dept. of Politics and Government discussing the geopolitical background of the situation in Iraq.


  • Empty Bowls. South Park Community Center, 4851 South Tacoma Way, 2:00-6:00 p.m. A fundraiser to benefit the Emergency Food Network. For $10 you get a one-of-a-kind bowl made by a resident of Pierce County, and a delicious meal. A great place to see people you know!
  • An opportunity to campaign for justice: TUFF will organize doorbelling on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 20. Come to 308 Tacoma Ave. S. at 3:30 p.m. After a half-hour of training, people will go out and come back around 7:30 p.m. for reporting and pizza. The campaign needs to identify 25,000 people who understand that it is necessary to vote NO in order to oppose discrimination in Tacoma.
  • On Saturday, Oct. 26, at 6:00 p.m. there will be a potluck fundraiser at Guadalupe House (1417 S. "G" St.) to raise money for those going to the annual School of the Americas protest in a few weeks. Bring a salad or dessert; the dinner will be provided. For more information, call 572-6582.
  • On Tuesday, Oct. 22 there will be a Domestic Violence Awareness vigil in Fireman's Park at 9th and Court A from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., featuring drumming with the Puyallup Tribe.
  • The Western Washington chapter of Fellowship of Reconciliation will have its annual fall retreat from Friday evening, Nov. 15 through Saturday, Nov. 16. The cost is $15; the theme, the media. Bert Sacks will be a speaker. For information contact Vivi Bartron.
  • PJH friend Adm. Carroll will be speaking at Evergreen on November 11. Marion will be providing particulars later.
  • The weekly SNOW meeting will be on Monday, Oct. 21, at the University District Friends Meeting at 4001 N. 9th in Seattle at 7:00 p.m.

    The meeting ended at 12:00 noon.

    Respectfully submitted,
    Mark Jensen.