United for Peace of Pierce County


United for Peace of Pierce County (temporary site)

This temporary site was created Jan. 14, 2010, pending resolution of technical difficulties that took down www.ufppc.org Jan. 13-16, 2010

Last updated: Jan. 15, 2010, 17:23 GMT

UFPPC Statements & Announcements -- Contributors: Henry Adams: World News -- Randy Talbot: Diplomacy; the Iran Crisis -- Jay Ruskin: The Economy -- Madeleine Lee: Legal Affairs -- Fred Moreau: Public Opinion; Media; Education -- Donna Quexada: The Military-Industrial Complex -- Jim O. Madison: Conspiracy/Complicity Theories -- Marie Neptune: Science; Technology -- Ted Weiss: Politics; Elections -- Abe DeJamminen: Activism -- Hank Berger: Human rights; Spiritual and philosophical issues -- Fran Lucientes: Art -- Mark Jensen: Translations from the French -- Bill Bridges: The Web -- Jack Kus: Satire

This page, created January 14, 2010, pending resolution of technical difficulties at UFPPC's main website, www.ufppc.org, was revived after the UFPPC site had been down for more than 30 hours. It is the fifth web page maintained by United for Peace of Pierce County; the first, which existed from November 2002 to February 2003, is still on line, as are the third and the fourth as well.

Suggestions? Click here to write the webmaster.

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UNITED FOR PEACE OF PIERCE COUNTY  --   Temporary site  --  Main site

"We nonviolently oppose the reliance on unilateral military actions rather than cooperative diplomacy."